Everything You Need For Plants


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Complete Solution For Your Plants

Know more about Us..........

For years we are cultivating hundreds of different rare, exotic plants, herbs, waterlilies, different types of Lotus, fruiting and Flowering trees, amazing rare roses like black rose, blue rose and green rose, orchids, ferns, diffrent other commercial fruiting, flowering plants the list is pretty long…. Apart from this we provide services on green house setup, commercial Farming setup, consultation, preparing different guidelines and SOP for farms and commercial growers, water automation, hydroponic, aquaponic, soilless growing medium, organic manure, complete Food Supplement for different plants, providing treatment and consultation for sick gardens..

Most common problems I see with personal gardens, balcony gardeners and house plant growers .........

"They are alive... Plants can feel your presence"

Even if you have 2 or 10000 plants and trees, go to them, to meet them. Plants can feel your presence...

Complete Solution For Your Plants

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Which one is the best !

There are different products listed at our website All of them are amazing. If you are bit confused or need further guidance, check here. We will keep adding different guides .....

Waterlily Plant

All available Products, guides related article and walk through

Lotus Plants

All available products, guides and walk through

Vertical Garden

All available products, guides and walk through

Orchids Plants

All available products, guides and walk through


Complete food supplement for waterlily plant.


If you want to plant your waterlily successfully, ...


If you don’t know anything about Lotus planting, this will definitely

Complete Food Supplement for orchids. Special Pack for....

complete Food Supplement for Lotus Plant .....

Premium Organic Manure (Complete Food Source)

Premium Organic Manure (Complete Food Source)

Complete food Supplement for hibiscus plant

More About Plant Care

NicksGardenss Premium Organic Manure For Plants

NicksGardenss Premium Organic Manure For Plants

Now with this NicksGardenss Premium Organic Manure For Plants series its much easy to maintain your plants. Its so easy to use ...


Black Rose Plants

Yes these are real black roses… and real live black rose plants.… if you have one black rose plant, then how to go about with .....

"They are alive... Plants can feel your presence"

Even if you have 2 or 10000 plants and trees, go to them, to meet them. Plants can feel your presence...

Water Lily Plant

We cultivate different variety and type of water lilies and water plants. for example night blooming water lily, water lilies which like shade, bi-color water lily, fragrance water lily, day bloomer waterlily....